
Polarization - A Different Perspective (WIP)
Culture Dominik G. Culture Dominik G.

Polarization - A Different Perspective (WIP)

.This analysis explores an alternative cause for societal fragmentation and division, focusing on the model of information dissemination between the sender (channel) and receiver (individual) based on their positions on issues. It posits that individuals gravitate towards messages aligning with their existing viewpoints. The model concludes that fragmentation naturally arises with wider information dissemination, increased knowledge consumption, and freedom in society. While social media algorithms intensify polarization, they also impose limits. The model suggests that despite holding polarized views, societal coherence can still be maintained. This perspective challenges the sole blame often placed on social media algorithms for increased polarization.

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philosophy, Existentialism Dominik G. philosophy, Existentialism Dominik G.


In this article, I'm guided by two eminent existential philosophers: Karl Jaspers and Friedrich Nietzsche. They both deeply believed that every person should “philosophize” to live a more prosperous, more authentic life. Jaspers also thought that this approach to philosophizing is a means to transcendence and spirituality.

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Finding G-d - Part One
Dominik G. Dominik G.

Finding G-d - Part One

Embracing theism proves challenging, as practical reasoning led me to a godless worldview for a long time. I respect thinkers like Dawkins, Harris, Dennett, and Hitchens. Relinquishing atheism was more difficult than adopting it. The rationality of atheistic life felt most comfortable for me. However, experiential cracks in my rational worldview started to appear. These cracks prompted more profound questions and challenged the limits of my rationality. Meeting my wife sparked this personal revelation, weakening my atheistic bedrock.

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