
Philosophy, Existentialism Dominik G. Philosophy, Existentialism Dominik G.

Ep3: Building our own Philosophy Part 2

In this episode, we'll talk about Ontology, or the philosophical study of the nature of existence. We'll ask ourselves how we view how things exist in the cosmos and how we fit into it. We start with ontology because it has cascading consequences on how we perceive the free-will vs. determinism, objectivity vs. subjectivity, and universality vs. particularity; ultimately, how we perceive things to exist helps us to untangle the messy narrative of our experience in this world.

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Philosophy, Existentialism Dominik G. Philosophy, Existentialism Dominik G.

Ep 2: Building our own Philosophy Part 1

In this episode, we’re guided by two eminent existential philosophers: Karl Jaspers and Fredrick Nietzsche. They both deeply believed that every person should “philosophize,” to live a richer, more authentic life. Jaspers also believed that it’s an approach to transcendence and spirituality. In this episode, we’ll discuss why we should build our own philosophy (philosophize) and what that means.

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